Fish Illustrations

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223 Fish illustrations found
F124 - Dragonet male (Callionymus lyra)
F124 - Dragonet male (Callionymus lyra)
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F126 - Lumpsucker (cyclopterus lumpus)
F126 - Lumpsucker (cyclopterus lumpus)
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F127 - Lumpsucker (cyclopterus lumpus)
F127 - Lumpsucker (cyclopterus lumpus)
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F128 - Lumpsucker juvenile(cyclopterus lumpus)
F128 - Lumpsucker juvenile(cyclopterus lumpus)
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F129 - Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
F129 - Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
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F133 - Montagu
F133 - Montagu's Sea Snail (Liparis monagui)
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F134 - Unctuous Sucker (Liparis liparis)
F134 - Unctuous Sucker (Liparis liparis)
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F135 - Montagu
F135 - Montagu's Sea Snail (Liparis monagui)
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F136 - Mackerel (Scomber scombrus
F136 - Mackerel (Scomber scombrus
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F137 - Mackerel shoal (Scomber scombrus)
F137 - Mackerel shoal (Scomber scombrus)
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F141 - Mullet (Thick-lipped) Chelon labrosus
F141 - Mullet (Thick-lipped) Chelon labrosus
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F142 - Parrot Fish (euscarus cretensis)
F142 - Parrot Fish (euscarus cretensis)
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